Coordinate GPS : Longitudine : 2.50005 Latitudine : 44.70729
Indirizzo :
15120 Montsalvy
Tipo di area : Area comunale GRATUITA
Contatti : Communauté de Commune, Mairie de Montsalvy
Vedi nelle vicinanze
Non sono ancora stati segnalati luoghi da visitare vicino a questa area.
Natalie [ip xxx.x78.78.95] scritto il 22.07.2013 à 17:16:13 :
A very pleasant stopover. Clean tidy and even though we arrived late, there was a free space for us. All hook ups were in use but we managed on our battery power. Beautiful views & quiet. It's a short walk into the village, where you can find a pharmacy, boulangerie, hardware store and a cafe etc. Market day is Thursday. Municipal open air swimming pool at the end of the village. Worth going and very reasonably priced.
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