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Coordinate GPS : Longitudine : -1.07576      Latitudine : 44.97799

Indirizzo :
Face au marché couvert
33000 Lacanau

Tipo di area : Area comunale GRATUITA

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Family van krimpen vermeltfoort [ip xxx.x94.94.186] scritto il 12.06.2011 à 17:01:08 :
12-06-2011 Subject: about transaction number 3481 Bonjour monsieur/madame, Nous vous priez svp de nos contacter. We ask you to take contact with us about the following question. On 3-6-2011 we where in Lacanau and tried to go on the camp air service for that night. We tried to pay, but it didn't work immediately; we tried with 3 different bankcarts 4 times, the fith time we were succesfull (it worked) and received a ticket with the number to enter on the camper terrain. A german couple was right between these actions (efforts) on the 3th of June at 17.13hr. Back home, we checked the bankaccount and saw that your machine worked and took the money; € 11,= twice, but the first time the machine didn't give the code to have access ( votre code d acces ) at 17.13hr. then the german couple used the machine and after three time it worked. Now at 17.27:37hr. we tried again with another card (my wives card; number 162 - K.E. Vermeltfoort - van Krimpen). Pas/Card 171 didn't work and didn't give the neccessary ticket with the access code. Please, could you have a look in your bankadministration and return/send us back the € 11,00 on the ABN 402710592. Thank you/Merci beaucoup, Mr. T.L.C.J. Vermeltfoort Teleph: 0031 (0)6 5318 4022 and Mrs. K.E. Vermeltfoort - van Krimpen
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